Case study Monsanto Attempts to Balance Stakeholder Interests question answers

Case Study: Monsanto Attempts to Balance Stakeholder Interests


1) Does Monsanto maintain an ethical culture that can effectively respond to various stakeholders?


There are different needs of different stakeholders. The issue is that no matter how much good the company is doing; there will be someone who is not satisfied with the performance of the organization. Monsanto has been attempting to build a structure that supports the ethical environment at every cost. There are certain issues that it is facing in this regard as it is not easy to take into consideration the ethical viewpoint in every step.


2) Compare the benefits of growing GM seeds for crops with the potentially negative consequences of using them.


This is for sure that there are some benefits and the losses to the use of the GM seeds. In most cases, the cost outweighs the benefits. thus it is advisable to opt for these seeds only at the time when there is  a dire need to do so, and in normal situation, there is no need to sow them, and other method should be adopted to increase the fertility of the land.


3) How should Monsanto manage the potential harm to plant and animal life from using products such as Roundup?


These sorts of products harm the surrounding environment only at the time, when they are being used excessively or when there are vulnerable plants or the animals are around them. It is necessary to take their assistance to the extent required, and it should also be ensured that these things are not nearby to the products like Roundup.