Course Feedback

Which song at the beginning of the modules resonated with you?  Why?

The song that resonated in my mind at the start of the module was “Forever Young”. The reason is that I believe we need to feel young when we are in the teaching profession. This song provides me with the energy that I need.

Which song or video would you have used in a module?

I would have used “New York: Hart Sharp Video”.

Name an activity you would have included in the course.

I would include creating a video related to education as an activity.

Name one idea or activity you garnered from the course that you will use in your profession.

I would definitely use the Group Task activity that was in the course, in my professional life.

What were the strengths of the course?

The course was very rich in group and individual activities. All the readings were very beneficial. The movies and other videos that we were supposed to watch were also related to the overall theme of the course.

What improvements would you made to the course?

I believe that the assignment should have not been let to the pace of the students.

Tagged with: course reflection