It is recommended that we brush our teeth at least twice, daily, and after meals. With our busy schedules, I would not be surprised if many adults only brush once each day. Dental hygiene is an important part of our lives and we should take it seriously. We should make the time and take care of our teeth by brushing them at least twice daily. Brushing your teeth is not a difficult task if you follow these six steps: get the toothbrush and the toothpaste, apply a small portion of toothpaste to the toothbrush, brush your teeth, gently brush your tongue, rinse your mouth, and put away your toothbrush.

Get the toothbrush and the toothpaste and get ready to brush your teeth. Rinse out your mouth first with some plain water. For the toothpaste, use one that works well for you. The regular one would be one such as Colgate regular or Crest regular toothpaste. Get a tube of one of them at the local pharmacy. For the toothbrush, get a toothbrush that fits your preference. There are various kinds of toothbrushes. For example, there is soft, medium, and hard. If you are not sure which one is going to be your favorite or which one will be the most suitable for you, be conservative and get the soft one. The soft toothbrush will have bristles that are soft and this will be less likely to harm your gums, tongue, or teeth.

Apply a small portion of toothpaste onto the toothbrush. While doing this, do not smother the bristles of the toothbrush with a full amount of toothpaste that takes up all of the space on the surface of the brush section. Too much toothpaste will lead to the large possibility of an ineffective brushing experience. The amount of toothpaste must be enough, but it cannot be too much. A pea sized amount of toothpaste is usually enough for the average person to use.

Brush your teeth with your toothpaste-coated toothbrush. In brushing your teeth, try to reach all of your teeth. Typically, you should try to brush away from the gum. You may close your top and bottom jaws together and brush your teeth in a top to bottom motion. Also, brush the top parts of your teeth, meaning the surface parts that you use to bite into and chew your food. Do not put too much pressure onto the toothbrush while you are brushing your teeth. If you do this, you might risk bruising your gums or your teeth especially if you are using a coarse or hard toothbrush.

Your tongue is an important part of the brushing process. Gently brush the surface of your tongue to rid it of excess residue. However, do not stroke the tongue with too much force because it is very sensitive and easily bruised. Regularly brush your tongue to get rid of the bacteria that may settle on top of it because your tongue can be a contributing factor to bad breath.

Rinse your mouth properly to get rid of the toothpaste residue in your mouth. Some people floss and rinse with mouthwash. These are good things to do as they help with the dental hygiene process. It may require several rinses to get rid of the residue in your mouth so be prepared for this. Be careful not to swallow any of the toothpaste at any time during the process.

Put away your toothbrush after you have finished brushing your teeth with it and after you have also rinsed it properly. You rinse the toothbrush by running water over it and gently using you finger or fingers to work the residue of toothpaste out of it. When you put away your toothbrush, put it in a case that is ventilated or put it in an open area so that it can get air.

Brushing your teeth properly is not a difficult process, but it can take a few minutes if you are to do it properly. Take note of any pain or any bleeding that may occur while you are brushing your teeth as this may require a dentist’s care. Brushing your teeth regularly and after meals is one of the easiest ways to take care of your teeth, tongue, and gums.