Case study: “Ethics and Social Responsibility featuring Organic Valley Answers

Case study: “Ethics and Social Responsibility featuring Organic Valley

Why did it make sense for Paul Deutsch to convert to organic farming? What individual ethical factors were involved in his choice?

Paul Deutsch switching to organic farming made sense due to the disgust that he had with the conditions that the animals were subjected to in some of the bigger farms that did not use organic farming techniques. Deutsch favored the manner in which the animals were kept and treated on the organic farms. Some of the characteristics that he admired included the great amount of space the animals were able to run around in throughout the time that they spend on the farm, granting them with plenty of room for stretching their limbs.

What are some of the advantages of being an organic farmer? What are some of the disadvantages?           

One upside to being an organic farmer is the amount of money that people working in the field tend to make. For instance, organic farmers are known to turn higher profits than the mainstream farmers. This is because of the strict diet that the animals are required to eat. For this reason, Deutsch is able to save money by only being able to buy certain things. One disadvantage there is to being an organic farmer are the strict rules that such employees are required to follow. In the video, Deutsch explains that the rules and regulations of organic farming are constantly changing and those who fail to remain compliant are unable to sell their goods.


How has the stakeholder perception of organic changed over time?   

Over the course of time, the perception of “organic” has changed amongst the general public. For one, people used to perceive the type of practice as being dirty due to the fact that organic foods are free from pesticides and preservatives. However, since the concept was introduced nearly one decade ago, it has become the primary method of farming that the market has the tendency to embrace in this current day and age.