What is the the impact of violent video games on youth?

The impact of violent video games on youth



A Proper understanding of society can be attained by analyzing phenomena in matters of life such as success, wealth, and crimes in the terms of improving life levels and getting a secure society. This concept is as proposed by Toppo (2013) in the mental food of American children. According to the idea of mental food, media platform such as movies, show programs, and video games which can help reduce stress and negative energy by creating an outlet for extra tension. Some changes are however noticed during last few years among young people. Violence has risen in the few last years as contributed by some attribute changes in video games by incorporating young people in crime, stereotyping of male behavior, and lifestyle changes.

Violent games effects

There is a drastic rise of young people who have in recent times engaged in criminal acts. This rise is due to the many facts relating to violent video games in numerous ways. First, there are differences between the players in violent video games those of entertainment games. According to studies there is a significant percentage of crimes around the world which take a different aspect of aggressiveness and at different ages. The amazing fact is that children of a tender age are becoming lured to play video games with scenes that involve a lot of violence. For example, one study shows that children who play violent video games are more aggressive than those who play neutral video games (Hollingdale1 & Greitemeyer, 2014). Also, Toppo (2013) observes major variations among young people as indicated in behaviors before and after playing or watching the violent video.

Second, it can be demonstrated by Adam’s story in which a young killer is related to the world’s figure of aggressiveness. He shoots several people on his way to school, and the aftermath is that 26 are killed. When investigations are undertaken to resolve the mystery of the 20-year-old, witnesses disclosed that he was seen whipping himself into a frenzy. (Toppo, 2013) Faced with the frustration of having nice new toys suddenly snatched away, the preschoolers who had watched Bobo got aggressive as depicted in the mini Bobo. Bandura repeated the experiment in 1963, using the film and cartoon depictions of Bobo’s mistreatment, and similar results were attained. Therefore, the conclusion is very clear that watching unchecked aggression in real life, on film or in cartoons makes us more aggressive because it provides us with ‘social scripts’ to guide our behavior. Bandura’s conclusions opened a floodgate of ‘media effects’ research that continues to date. There is evidence enough for growing such behaviors as pointed out by the discovery of a lot of violent material in the form of videos, magazines and games in Adam’s computer.

Third, in recent years the video game industry has seen drastic growth in sales (Hollingdale & Greitemeyer, 2014). This is deemed a causative agent of aggressiveness among young people and depends on the theory that links the sharp rise in young people in crime and the sale of video games. For example, the industry statistics in the United Kingdom alone indicates that 2011 had distinct game sales hit the peak and outranks both music and movies sales (Hollingdale & Greitemeyer, 2014). According to a model for understanding violent games effects, there are outlined two domains whose effects have a direct effect those who engage in these games. In the short-term violent video games may temporarily activate aggression, but on long term playing these games activate aggression as a person’s behavior. These aspects explain how properties of a video game can affect the players’ thoughts, feelings, physiological stimulation and the resulting behaviors. With such considerations, these are endeavors to understand the relationship between the proportion of sales and its impact on violence.

Gender stereotyping

Also, male and female stereotypes divide the society in violent groupings. The male stereotyping is ideally violent, and that of the female is peaceful. Some of the circumstances make both male and female to unconsciously adopt these classifications in their behaviors. For instance, it is a common belief among women that, “we sleep safely in our beds because ‘tough men’ stand ready in the night to prevent any interference from those who would do us harm“(George Orwell).  Further, research indicates that such attributes are affiliated with the negative effects of violent video games and others have utilized particular opinions to impact on their beliefs. It is a common believe that boys are more likely to be more aggressiveness, tough and rugged than girls. Moreover, females record high rates of aggressiveness when they play violent video games but male counterparts become more violent.

Neuroscientists and cognitive psychologists allude that the human mind acts as a network that consists of nodes and links which become activated by the attractive images, fast movements, and string lights. Also, the study shows that both of male and female are more likely to indulge in violence when they choose a male avatar while they are playing. In contrast, they become less violent with a female avatar. As a result, avatars that are stereotypically aggressive motivate violence after playing (Grace & Yang Brad, 2014). With such results, it is noteworthy to explore the impacts of the stereotype among young people and their behaviors.

Childhood and development

Children typically from childhood behave like their parents, and gradually they convert their personality by extending their knowledge from various sources. Therefore, from the previous generations all the layers of society’s are comparative in the upbringing of children. However, there are obstacles preventing access to the desired results, like raising children in the modern times is more complicated. The new generation is enticed by a modern lifestyle which excludes parents and substitutes them for technology. In fact, violent video games alter children’s brain with regard to activities and knowledge which children can do. The effects of violent video games do not terminate on the mind but rather is enhanced in the body if the player spends a lot of time on the games. Consequently, the video games become more dangerous when interlinked with various forms of a lifestyle. For example, some parents punish their children harshly and hence motivates the influence of aggressiveness.  On the other hand, there are parents who leave their children without any guidance, and, therefore, the young people in this situation will be guided by multiple factors and without any doubt video games are one of them. According to Toppo (2013), the study illustrates that the children who have a raw deal are more likely to be aggressive.


In conclusion, there are serious issues in the whole world as concerns increasing number of violent activities that is related to video games. This, therefore, results in young people engaging in crimes, stereotyping and change in lifestyle. The societies today face a real issue that is violence, and all concerned entities must work together to find solutions for this phenomena more so to stop it from the root cause. One major aspect is playing violent video games as they a strong influence on both genders.



Hollingdale, J., & Greitemeyer, T. (2014). The Effect of Online Violent Video Games on Levels of Aggression. PLoS ONE9(11), e111790. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0111790

Toppo, N. (2013). Anatomy of social laws: The area of law that covers the majority of all civil lawsuits. Saarbrücken, CA: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.

Yang, G. S., Huesmann, L. R., & Bushman, B. J. (2014). Effects of playing a violent video game as male versus female avatar on subsequent aggression in male and female players. Aggr. Behav40(6), 537-541. doi:10.1002