Research Online Quiz 1

Question No. 1

A valuable source of information characterized by the systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data is

Answer : Research

Question No. 2

Standardized social studies test scores have been very very low for several years in a local parish. Dr. Jenkins, the superintendent, has identified the outdated curriculum being used as a major cause for these low scores. She must recommend to the Board Education a new curriculum (i.e. electronic textbooks series, instructional approach and PBL strategies, etc.) for parish-wide adoption. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate knowledge base upon which she should rely for choosing a specific curriculum for adoption?

Answer: Research

Question No. 3

A teacher is trying to decide whether to teach reading using a phonetic or whole-language approach. Her decision should be based on


Analysis of data on how the students performed after using both techniques


Question No. 4

Which of the following characteristics distinguish research from other sources of knowledge?

Answer: All of the above

Question No. 5

All of the following are characteristics of quantitative research except the:

Answer: Focus on verbal narratives and observations

Question No. 6

All of the following are characteristics of qualitative research except the:

Answer: Detached, objective role of the researcher

Question No. 7

Which of the following are the unique characteristics of experimental research designs?

Answer: The control of extraneous factors that might influence the results



Question No. 8

If a researcher is studying the effect of computer-assisted instruction on student achievement, what type of research design is he using?

Answer: Experimental

Question No. 9

Which of the following qualitative designs has as its purpose the in-depth study of a single program, event, activity, or group defined by time and place?

Answer: Case study

Question No. 10

Which of the following most clearly differentiates experimental research design from other types of quantitative designs? The researcher

Answer: Investigates the causal relationship between two variables by manipulating one of them

Question No. 11

Which of the following is a common characteristic of true experimental, quasi experimental, and single subject research design?

Answer: All of these designs are quantitative in nature


Question No. 12

Which of the following is the BEST exemplifies a research problem as defined in the text?

Answer: What is the relationship between active learning instructional strategies and students’ achievement?

Question No. 13

Which of the following is a researchable problem?

Answer: What is the relationship between teacher’s knowledge of classroom management techniques and their use of them?

Question No. 14

All of the following are characteristic of an operational definition EXCEPT it:

Answer: Defines a concept with other concepts

Question No. 15

Which of the following underlined variables can be described as an independent variable?

Answer: The teacher found the phonics method of teaching reading led to an increase in reading scores



Question No. 16

Which of the following underlined variables can be described as dependent variable?

I cant see the options given

Question No. 17

A variable that might interfere with the results of study is called:

Answer: A confounding variable

Question No. 18

Which of the following represent a continuous variable?

Answer: TCAP Scores

Question No. 19

The following is an example of which type of research hypothesis? There is a positive relationship between adults’ perceptions of themselves and their persistence in adult basic education programs.

Answer: Directional



Question No. 20

Which of the following is a statistical hypothesis rather than a research hypothesis?

Answer: there is no statistical significance difference in mean exam scores of students who use the self assessment quizzes and students not using them

Question No. 21

A review of the literature typically will enable the investigator to do all of the following EXCEPT:

Answer: Identify subject selection procedures that should be avoided

Question No. 22

A student read an article that described a study that was very, very close to that which she is proposing. She is likely looking at:

Answer: A primary source

Question No. 23

An investigator wanted to ascertain if there was a difference in the medical college admission test scores of college students graduating from liberal arts program and those graduating from social science program. A mean score of 73 was obtained for liberal arts graduates and a mean score of 60 was obtained for social science graduates on the test. The investigator chose p = 0.5 as the level of rejecting the null hypothesis. Statistical analysis indicated that the difference in mean was significant at the 0.5 level. Write the null hypothesis for this study.

Answer: There is no statistical significance difference in the mean score on the medical college admission test scores of students graduating from liberal arts program and those graduating from social science program

Question No. 24

Dr. Shields wants to do a small experiment among first graders in her school. She wants to be able to generalize her results to the entire group so she selects 30 students who are representatives of all first graders. The 30 students are referred to as ________ and all first graders are referred to as the ___________

Answer. Sample, Target Population

Question No. 25

In which situation might the target population and the sampling frame be exactly the same?

Answer: A study of the use of IPADs by middle school students at Siegel School

Question No. 26

Which type of sample includes random, stratified random, systematic, and cluster sampling techniques?

Answer: Probability

Question No. 27

Which type of sampling would likely result in the MOST representative sample?

Answer: Probability

Question No. 28

A research team from the local university is going to conduct a study that will involve five high school. The total population is six thousand students, so the principal investigator decides to use the systematic sampling procedure to select the sample for the study. Which of the following is not a step I this procedure.

Answer: Randomly select the first name from the list then every nth name


Question No. 29

There are fewer teachers certified in content areas like art, foreign languages, and health when compared to content areas like math, science, or social studies. If a researchers wants to be sure these teachers are equally represented in a state-wide survey of teachers’ opinions, she should use:

Answer: Disproportional stratified



Question No. 30

Why does a researcher use a purposeful sampling technique?

Answer: Certain individuals will provide the best information to address the research questions

Question No. 31

If your participants have volunteered to participate in your study, what would you need to be careful about so that the research is credible?

Answer: Sampling Bias